Hemet’s 2005-2006 General Plan Update came at an important juncture for the city. Over the prior decade, the city had suddenly shifted form a small agricultural and retirement town to a family-oriented bedroom community. The next ten to twenty years – the timeframe for the update – possessed the potential for even more dramatic changes. The City’s General Plan, which serves as the controlling document for planning in California municipalities, would need to tackle thorny traffic, economic development, housing, and quality of life issues.

As part of the update, the City determined that Downtown Hemet, which serves as the heart of the community, required special attention within the General Plan. Officials waned to retain Downtown’s small town atmosphere while providing residents and visitors with a vibrant place to live, work, shop and play. Downtown Solutions worked with elected officials, staff, and the community to develop an illustrated vision for the area. Two downtown workshops, including one with the City Council, engaged the public in discussions about preferred uses and design of public spaces.