Design Guidelines for the Freeway Corridor Specific Plan
City of Yucaipa

Like many other communities in Southern California’s Inland Empire, Yucaipa has experienced steep growth in home construction over the last decade. The City of Yucaipa has recently promoted new commercial development to serve this growing residential population. In particular, the City began preparation of a specific plan for 1,200 acres of property adjacent to busy Interstate 10, which offered the opportunity for a mix of commercial and residential uses.
Downtown Solutions worked with a citizen advisory committee to provide design guidance for new development in the Freeway Corridor Specific Plan area. Products included design guidelines for single-family residential, multi-family residential, and commercial uses and a design workbook that illustrated preferred architectural and site planning details. The guidelines and workbook emphasized Yucaipa’s rural, agricultural heritage and sought to communicate the appropriate design character with images rather than words. City officials and committee members enthusiastically received both documents.